Robots & Sustainability

Last month, at the E Malama ‘Aina Sustainability Festival Richard helped organize, I was interested to see that there was a Robotics exhibit.


I asked Art Kimura, Education Specialist for the Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium at UH Manoa, to define Robotics for me and he replied that first of all, robots don’t have to be cartoon-like, science fiction things.

He defined a robot as “a mechanical device that does human-like tasks,” and told me that we have robots all over the place, though we don’t call them that.

“A traffic light is a robot, for instance,” he said. “It’s instead of a policeman standing there in the street. Or a fire alarm, instead of someone there sensing that there is smoke.”

My other question to Art: Why a Robotics exhibit at a sustainability festival?

He had a good answer. “Most of the efforts toward sustainability, which involve things like alternative energy, require a generation of workers that have innovation and technical skills,” he said. “No matter what, we have to rely on improving technology to make some of these things happen. Workforce development, to have students that aspire to become part of the solution to sustainability problems, is a critical piece of that.”


The Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium at UH Manoa is a NASA-funded group “developing an educational foundation focused on scholarship, research and exploration, enabling scientists and engineers of the future.” Robotics is just one of the projects it supports.

Art said that every state has Robotics. “But what’s unique about Hawai‘i is that we have a state organization that helps to coordinate and support these programs,” he said. “More than a million dollars was spent on Robotics in Hawai‘i this year alone. We actually had legislation passed in support of a statewide program.”

“It’s really a beautiful situation we have in Hawai‘i,” he said. “I don’t hear of any other states with this type of support.”


Hawai‘i’s schools’ Robotics programs – six different types of programs, which have existed here for 11 years and involve kids from grades 1 to 12 – use Robotics to get students interested in STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Art said that the evidence is compelling that Robotics inspires students. “Many become engineers,” he said. “Waiakea High School can list all these kids that went into engineering, and the kids will tell you it was because of their experience with Robotics.”

“And we need kids who are in the trade industry, too; who are able to weld, do electronics. More importantly, Robotics teaches life skills like problem solving.”


He talked about how students have to collaborate to build their robots, and use them in a sport-like competition as part of a team. “There’s disappointment, failure, success. They have to communicate their goals and compromise,” he said. “Everything we like in a good worker.”

There was a Robotics competition this weekend at the Hawai‘i Convention Center in Honolulu. High school teams from Hawai‘i competed against others from Hong Kong and California.

The Big Island’s Kohala team was undefeated through the first seven matches, and the Waiakea team made it all the way to the final match. Both will go to Dallas in the spring for the next competition.

In September, a combined Waiakea and Hilo High School team competed against college students in Japan. There were 83 entries from 19 universities and only four high schools. Impressively, the Big Island high school team won several significant awards and ended up in the top three.

“They’re learning things that in the past only college students learned,” said Art. “They don’t know it’s too hard for them. They do it because it’s fun.”

“Most Robotics is after school,” he said, “and you’ll go by there at 6:30, 7:00 at night and there are 20, 25, 30 students there, just hanging out. One of the complaints I get from teachers is that the kids don’t want to go home. That’s a good complaint.”

One of the Hawai‘i Robotics programs teaches a concept they call “gracious professionalism.”

“The idea is that we want to raise the bar and not be satisfied with where we are now,” said Art. “The students collaborate. They’re encourage to share, even their designs, even though they’re competing.

“Sharing makes everybody better.”

Trouble on Hawai‘i’s Farms

Hawai‘i’s farmers are in trouble. There was an informational meeting of the House Agriculture, Water, Land and Ocean Committees Friday, and several of us testified. A post about it on the House of Representatives blog is titled The Rodney Dangerfield of the Economy and refers to how agriculture “doesn’t get any respect.”

IMG_0155_1House Committees on Agriculture, Land, Water and Ocean. The Farm Bureau requested this informational hearing prior to the regular session.

This informational meeting came about after I gave a short speech at the Farm Bureau convention in October. Everybody’s business was in trouble but nobody wanted to talk. It’s local style to keep quiet, be reticent and not complain. I told the farmers in attendance that I knew they were having a hard time and that they should not have to suffer in silence.

I said, “You shouldn’t feel like you have to make an excuse. In fact, you shouldn’t have to shoulder the whole burden yourself.”

Shortly after that, Mae Nakahata, Vice President of the Farm Bureau, called me and said that some of the farmers she knew were in serious financial trouble. She then started the ball rolling to do something to help farmers. She was the driving force behind Friday’s informational meeting of the legislators.

IMG_0156_1It was standing room only, with three TV cameras and several print journalists present. Clifton Tsuji, chair of the Ag Committee, told me it was very unuusal to see this many people at an informational briefing.

Although we are considered large farmers, I do not think it’s prudent to depend on a few large farms. I am also very concerned about the idea that any of Hawai‘i farmers may be hiring illegal foreign workers. This video clip shows two O‘ahu farm managers being led away in handcuffs.

This is very disappointing because while this was going on, a lot of us were down at the Capitol testifying that farmers were in trouble. In an earlier informal survey, the farm in those news articles was understood to be one of only a few farms that was doing well. But if the stories are true and that farm was doing well because of illegal activity, this is not healthy for our state agricultural industry.

I don’t think we should be relying on foreign labor in this day and age, with what’s happening to our economy (which we know will get worse before it gets better). It’s not sustainable, and more importantly we should have local people working on our farms. We can accomplish this by diversifying geographically – so that our farms are where the people, and the resources, are.

I testified Friday that it’s not rocket science. The world has changed forever, but “if farmers make money, farmers will farm.”  Farmers got in trouble earlier this year when oil prices spiked, which was only a sneak preview of what’s yet to come.

And if we have not prepared before it happens again, as we know it will, it could be disastrous for agriculture and for Hawai‘i’s food security.

We have an opportunity in the recent energy agreement between the state, HEI and the Consumer Advocate.

The legislature should add an extra incentive to farmers when the feed-in-tariff is in place by July. Besides helping farmers make money, using cutting edge technology may get the attention of younger people. No one wants to get into a business just to watch plants grow. We need action to interest the next generation. Alternate energy projects and their possibilities could provide an extra spark, especially if combined with the chance of making money.

This idea has the possibility of diversifying our food production – to farmers large and small, on all islands, at all elevations and both of the dry side and wet side of the islands. (I always say this when talking about the future of Hawai‘i’s agriculture.)

We need small farms expanding. We do not need large farms just getting bigger and bigger and gobbling up smaller farms.

Chef Alan Wong testified, too, as a restaurateur who uses local farm products in part so visitors can “taste Hawai‘i.”

Last year, a legislator tried to convince me that the card check bill – a bill that made it easier for workers to form unions – was necessary because there were abuses that I did not know of. I was not convinced.

I have changed my mind about the labor union card check bill. I feel that farms that treat their workers well should have no problems.

Simple Aquaponics

I’ve changed my mind about how we’ll use fish waste as fertilizer for hydroponic vegetables. Instead of using the University of the Virgin Islands-developed high-tech aquaponics system, I’ve decided to use Roy Tanaka’s simple “rubbah slippah” system.

The University of the Virgin Islands concept is a recirculating system using a series of pumps, aerators and bio filters. Very elegant.

But then I visited Roy Tanaka, who has been using a run of the river at his place near Papaikou for many years. He uses a small pipe which runs from a nearby river into the first tank, and then overflows into a second tank and so on. It is the essence of simplicity and common sense. He tells me that he has never had to wash his tanks because they are always clean. Free water, no electricity for pumping or aeration and no need to clean the tanks. What’s not to like about that system?

We will take a little water out of the pipe that fills our reservoir and run it through several species of aquatic animals. We are thinking of trout in the first tank and tilapia in the second, overflowing to catfish in the third, prawns in the fourth and finally crawfish in the fifth. Then, the nutrient-full overflow will go into the reservoir that supplies water for our hydroponics operation.

The effect is that we will borrow water ahead of the reservoir, run it through the fish and then put the nutrient-laden water back into the reservoir to feed our hydroponic vegetables.

We plan to start small, producing fish for our employees. As we learn about the system’s limitations, as well as what the demand might be for our products, we will increase production. We don’t, however, intend to reduce the amount we provide to our workers.

I have the utmost respect for small innovative farmers. Roy Tanaka is a perfect example of a wise and practical farmer.

Lili‘uokalani’s Translation of the Kumulipo

I just read this translation of the Hawaiian creation chant, the Kumulipo, done by Queen Lili‘uokalani. I never knew she’d translated it while under house arrest.

I was also very interested to see that in the ending paragraphs of the Introduction, she writes about Hawaiians being astronomers. This is logical when one considers that Hawaiians traveled extensively throughout the Pacific only using the stars as reference. They were the greatest navigators of their day.

I found the background, and the Introduction written by the Queen, to be fascinating. Read the full translation here. Maybe you’ll find this as interesting as I did.

The Kumulipo

Translated by Queen Liliuokalani [1897]

This is Queen Liliuokalani’s translation of the Hawaiian Creation chant, the Kumulipo. She translated this while under house arrest at Iolani Palace, and it was subsequently published in 1897. This is an extremely rare book which was republished (in a very scarce edition) by Pueo Press in 1978.

The Kumulipo’s composition is attributed to one of Liliuokalani’s eighteenth century ancestors, Keaulumoku, just prior to European contact. It is a sophisticated epic which describes the origin of species in terms that Darwin would appreciate. The Kumulipo moves from the emergence of sea creatures, to insects, land plants, animals, and eventually human beings. It describes a complicated web of interrelationships between various plants and animals. The most massive part of the chant is a genealogy which enumerates thousands of ancestors of the Hawaiian royal family.

The Kumulipo is also available at this site in the 1951 translation of Martha Warren Beckwith, with comprehensive analysis and the complete Hawaiian text. However Liliuokalani’s version is of some historical significance. The last Queen of Hawaii, Liliuokalani was extremely literate, and steeped in Hawaiian tradition. She was the author of the well-known Hawaiian anthem, Aloha ‘Oe as well as a Hawaiian history book, Hawai’i’s Story by Hawai’i’s Queen.


THERE are several reasons for the publication of this work, the translation of which pleasantly employed me while imprisoned by the present rulers of Hawaii. It will be to my friends a souvenir of that part of my own life, and possibly it may also be of value to genealogists and scientific men of a few societies to which a copy will be forwarded. The folk-lore or traditions of an aboriginal people have of late years been considered of inestimable value; language itself changes, and there are terms and allusions herein to the natural history of Hawaii, which might be forgotten in future years without some such history as this to preserve them to posterity. Further, it is the special property of the latest ruling family of the Hawaiian Islands, being nothing less than the genealogy in remote times of the late King Kalakaua,–who had it printed in the original Hawaiian language,–and myself.

This is the very chant which was sung by Puou, the High Priest of our ancient worship, to Captain Cook whom they had surnamed Lono, one of the four chief gods, dwelling high in the heavens, but at times appearing on the earth. This was the cause of the deification of Captain Cook under that name, and of the offerings to him made at the temple or Heiau at Hikiau, Kealakekua, where this song was rendered.

Captain Cook’s appearance was regarded by our people then as a confirmation of their own traditions. For it was prophesied by priests at the time of the death of Ka-I-i-mamao that he, Lono, would return anew from the sea in a Spanish man-of-war or Auwaalalua. To the great navigator they accordingly gave a welcome with the name of Lono.

The chanters of this great poem were Hewahewa and Ahukai, and by them it was originally dedicated to Alapai, our ancestress, a woman-chief of the highest rank, then at Koko Oahu. Keeaumoku was lying on his death-bed. The Lonoikamakahiki, of whom this chant sings so eloquently in our native tongue, is none other than Kalaninuiiamamao (Ka-I-i-mamao). His name was also Lonoikamakahiki. He was thus called by his mother, Lonomaikanaka, from the very moment of his birth. It was his grandmother Keakealani who changed his name at the time he was dedicated to the gods and the sacred tabus of the Wela, Hoano, and the Moe; or, translated, Fire, Honor, and Adoration were conferred upon him at the time when his navel string was cut at the Heiau at Nueku, Kahaluu, Kona, Hawaii. The correct name of this chief was Ka-I-i-mamao, but the bards of his day named him in their chants Kalaninuiiamamao; thus he was styled in their Mele or chant called Kekoauli-kookea ka lani. The words “lani nui” were simply inserted by them as it was their intention to hand the young prince’s name down to posterity in song, while to explain the object of the parents in naming him Ka-I-i-mamao it signified that when Keawe married Lonoma-I-Kanaka it was an infusion of a new royal blood with that of their own royal line of I, the father of Ahu, the grandfather of Lonomaikanaka. By this it was also intended to show that he, that is Ka-I-i-mamao, was above all other I’s, for there were many families, descendants of I, a high and powerful chief, and the last term, “mamao,” means “far off” and above all the rest of the I’s.

Before he was deposed by the people of Kau he was called Wakea on account of his wicked actions, and, like Wakea, he married his own daughter. By this name he wandered through the wilds of Kahihikolo at Kalihikai, Kalihiwai, and Hanalei, and ultimately became demented. Through all his wanderings he was followed by his faithful attendant and retainer Kapaihi a Hilina.

This historical character is distinct from the Lonoikamakahiki, son of Keawenuiaumi, the same one who challenged Kakuhihewa at checkers, Konane. He figured at a different period. There were really three persons of the name of Lonoikamakahiki; the first of these was the son of Keawenuiaumi; the second was a celebrated hunchback son of Kapulehuwaihele, and belonged to Makakaualii. The third Lonoikamakahiki is the one for whom this prayer was composed. His parents were Keaweikekahialiiokamoku and Lonomaikaamaka. Ka-I-i-mamao was the father of Kalaniopuu, this last-named being ancestor in the third degree of King Kalakaua, who reigned over the Hawaiian kingdom from 1874 to 1891, and of Liliuokalani, who reigned from 1891 to 1893. He was also ancestor in second and third degree to the wife of Kalakaua, at present the dowager Queen Kapiolani.

It will be seen, therefore, that as connecting the earlier kings of ancient history with the monarchs latest upon the throne this chant is a contribution to the history of the Hawaiian Islands, and as it is the only record of its kind in existence it seemed to me worthy of preservation in convenient form.

I have endeavored to give the definition of each name as far as it came within my knowledge of words, but in some cases this could not be done because the true signification has been lost. The ancient Hawaiians were astronomers, and the terms used appertained to the heavens, the stars, terrestrial science, and the gods. Curious students will notice in this chant analogies between its accounts of the creation and that given by modern science or Sacred Scripture. As with other religions, our ancient people recognized an all-powerful evil spirit: Mea was the King of Milu as Satan is of the infernal regions, or hell.

I hope that to some interested in all that pertains to Hawaii, this may give one-half the pleasure which it gave to me in the translation and preparation of the manuscript.

LILIUOKALANI, of Hawaii,      
Patron of the Polynesian Historical Society.

Richard in Islands Magazine

I was sitting at my breakfast nook table, looking at Islands magazine, when I came across this article about Chef Alan Wong.

As I read, I saw that its writer interviewed Richard as well.
…Wong speaks about him with so much enthusiasm that I immediately book a flight to see him. Ha’s Hamakua Springs Country Farms is a 600-acre slice of land in the rather unassuming Pepe’ekeo. When I arrive to the town, no signposts guide my way to the farm where that miraculous tomato was harvested. Only a few wild chickens on lush green hillsides (parts of this island receive nearly 300 inches of rain per year) alert me that there’s taste-bud-blowing agriculture brewing nearby…

Good writing. Good article. Have a look.

Farmers & Renewable Energy

I’ve talked about energy and I’ve talked about agriculture, but everybody who makes decisions about agriculture and energy operates in a vacuum. If it’s energy, they only talk about energy. If it’s agriculture, they only talk about agriculture.

To make it work, we need to get the two together.

The recently announced energy agreement is a first step in the right direction – for energy purposes. Now we need to add an agricultural component to it, which they cannot do because they’re all about energy. We need the legislature to marry the two together.

Everybody agrees about renewable energy. What we need to do now is give farmers really strong incentives to put in renewable energy projects, because that will help them be energy secure and then we won’t have to beg people to “Please Buy Local.” Local farmers will be able to set their prices lower, and people will buy local farmers’ goods based on their merits. We won’t have to go through all the gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands to get people to “buy local.”

We need to pay farmers to do small energy projects; encourage them to do renewable energy. Maybe we give them ten percent more than we give others? The benefit is that you get energy plus food. That’s what it will take to be sustainable.

You can’t just be sustainable in energy and not in food.

Giving farmers extra incentives to use renewable energy methods achieves two things – it helps them save/make money and produce more food per person, while also achieving the goal of bringing more renewables on line. We know that “If the farmer makes money, the farmer will farm.”

The world has changed and we need to adapt to a new reality. The challenge for Hawai‘i is figuring out how to become food and fuel secure with the least amount of pain.

This crash course explains what is going on in our changing world in a very simple, commonsense way. Its explanations are among the easiest to understand that I’ve seen.

Because of our abundant natural resources here in Hawai‘i, we have the opportunity to have a relatively better lifestyle than that of the U.S. mainland. Net Energy Return On Energy Invested (NEROEI), minus the energy used to produce food, gives us our lifestyle. Therefore, in order to maximize our lifestyle, we need to focus our attention on both renewable energy as well as food production.

It is prudent for us to prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

If we join agriculture policy to energy policy we will have both food and energy locally produced, and that is the essence of sustainability.

Not “no can,” “CAN!”

Freecycle: Changing the World One Gift at a Time

Living sustainably doesn’t have to mean growing your own food. Richard and some of our other agricultural gurus can do that for us.

It can also mean making the best use of what you already have, and then passing it along to someone else when you aren’t using it anymore.

That’s where Freecycle comes in.

“It’s a conservation movement, really,” says Sonia Martinez, who moderates the Freecycle Big Island group. “It’s a place – an Internet place, there’s no actual physical location – where members who have things they don’t use any longer, but that still have use, they offer it. And members who are looking for something like that apply for it.

“We have members who post ‘wanted’ posts, which can jog the memory of someone else: ‘Oh yeah, I have something like that in my garage but I’ve never used it.’”

Sonia founded the Big Island’s Freecycle group four years ago and it now has more than 2000 members.

“When I first moved here,” she says, “I started hearing about how the Hilo landfill is filling up and we are taking truckloads of trash over to Kona. Back on the mainland, they would just build a Mt. Trashmore, and cover it with dirt and then cover that with grass.

“I read an article about Freecycle and thought, this is exactly what we need here,” she says.

“It’s amazing the amount of stuff we keep from going to the landfill,” she says – everything from coloring pencils and paper to Jacuzzis, refrigerators and freezers. “Sometimes a contractor is redoing a hotel or house,” she says, “and he has a bunch of bathroom sinks or commodes that are too good to trash, and he will offer it. People on the island who are building their houses use a lot of Freecycle material. It gives items a second and third life.”

“And it’s free; no strings attached,” she says. Swaps, trades and barters are not allowed. (Though those are also good options for recycling, that’s not how Freecycle works.)

Sonia and some Freecycle member volunteers set up a booth at the recent E Malama ‘Aina festival, where they offered a unique, in-person, Freecycle experience. Members donated items to display at the booth, and anybody could go by and take something for free.

“There was a Hello Kitty electric fan,” she says, “a lot of books, fruit, mugs, a camera lens. Most went. The few things that didn’t go, a member volunteered to take the books to the Pahoa library, and took the rest to Goodwill. We didn’t have anything left.”

Now that’s how it’s supposed to work!

To learn more or to join Freecycle, click here.

The Kohala Ditch Flows Again!

My friend Duane Kanuha forwarded me this email from Bill Shontell, the project manager for Surety Corp. It’s about the Kohala Ditch water flowing. This is a huge project that’s been a tremendous amount of work and a long time coming.

I wrote about the project a couple months ago when I took a helicopter tour of the area.

Here’s the note from Bill:

FYI, we released the waters of Honokane Nui through new Flume #1 this afternoon about 2:30. The intake is working fine and the flume is currently conveying water across Honokane West Branch, through the ridge of Kupehau, and into Pololu Valley.

On Monday the 24th, we will throttle down the valve at the intake, remove two temporary access ramps in Pololu and Niulii and on Tuesday the 25th, at 3 pm, we will release water into the balance of the system.

Just in time for Thanksgiving.

Kohala ditch Pau 11-21-08

Here I am in September, getting ready to go see the origin of the Kohala ditch at Honokane Nui.

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The crew that works in the valley. That’s Rick Gordon in the middle and Bill Shontell on the right. Our helicopter pilot is at left.

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This entire cliff face fell in with the 2006 earthquake that destroyed the ditch. 

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View of the repair work going on at the dam at Honokane Nui. That day, a loose stone fell off the cliff and glanced off one of the workers. 

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Lifting up and out of the valley. We were way down there at the stream level. What a trip.

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The mouth of Pololu Valley.

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[Leslie’s note: I went looking for something I could link to, something that would tell the story of what happened to the historic and important Kohala Ditch during the October 2006, 6.7 earthquake, and I found, um, this magazine article. Which I wrote, and Macario photographed, and which I had sort of forgotten about. Which tells you something about the state of my mind.]

Acting Now For the Future (Re: Sustainability)

I sat on a panel discussion yesterday at the Hawaii Energy Challenge 2008, which was held at the Fairmont Orchid at Waikoloa.

Derek Kurisu of KTA Superstores and I were there representing the topic of Food Security. Steve Bowles represented Water Security; Tony Hanley, Matson’s Director of Sales and Marketing, Ocean Freight; Nani Lee, Executive Director of the Food Basket, Social Services; Peter R. Ingram, who is Executive Vice President of Hawaiian Airlines, Business, & Randy Perreira, Executive Director of HGEA, Unions.

It was very easy and conversational, though the subject was serious. We talked about how the new energy agreement with the state, HEI and the Consumer Advocate would impact our sectors. The panelists all recognized that current, low oil prices are temporary, and that we need to act now for the benefit of future generations.

I told them the Farm Bureau is in crisis management this month because many farmers are going out of business due to rising energy costs this past year.  I told them it’s not rocket science. “If farmers make money, farmers will farm.”

I also talked about how we were able to get a renewable energy farm loan bill passed this last session of the legislature. Energy projects are mostly infrastructure, and financing with cheap money is very attractive to farmers. There’s no fertilizing, pruning or harvesting – you just build it and make and/or save money. Its objective, I explained, is to help farmers make a little money so they can be competitive with imported products. This, I said, might help us with future food security. “If the farmer makes money, the farmer will farm.”

Nani Lee of the Food Basket told us that the number of clients served by the Food Basket has increased from 18,000 a month last year to close to 36,000 a month now. I mentioned that we were able to donate thousands of pounds of bananas before the recession; but now we are not able to.

She went on to ask if everyone understands what “Malama ‘Aina” meant. She talked about how Hawaiians look at things with a long-term perspective. They consider many generations from the present.

I told the audience that I agreed with Nani – that we must have a long-term perspective. And to that end, we must make sure that agriculture is included in any energy plan that is developed. I told them a person can avoid using a utility, but we cannot do without food. So it is paramount that we include food when we plan for the future.

It felt good being part of a group trying to do what is best for future generations. Everyone interacted for the greater good.

It was quite a contrast with the Comprehensive Management Plan meeting held at Keaukaha Elementary School the other night. There, the people were angry and distrustful of the University of Hawai‘i. One cursed the children of the Hawaiian moderator. Another said she was going to be a certain researcher’s worse nightmare. Another just swore at the UH people.

I try to understand how people can feel so abused that they would do those kinds of things to their brothers and sisters. And I still don’t understand it.

By contrast, the people at yesterday’s meeting, where there were a fair number of Hawaiians in the audience, were happy to share what they know. I enjoyed this conference where everyone seemed to be moving, together, down the road to the future.

But still, I imagine that the people who were so passionate against the University of Hawai‘i the other night could have absolutely made a difference in this important forum yesterday. Their weight and passion would have had a major impact.

Video: E Malama ‘Aina Festival

We’ve been telling you about the E Malama ‘Aina Sustainability Festival that Richard just helped put together. Here’s a short video that shows the festival and gives you a real sense of its flavor.

And it kicks off our new, Wednesday features. For the next few Wednesdays, we are going to introduce you to some of the stories behind the festival –  stories of the people, their products and lifestyles, and especially their philosophies of sustainability.
• Why they find it important to do what they do instead of the status quo, which might be easier in the short run.

• What inspired them to make these changes in their lives. • How they do it, and what the rest of us can learn from them.

Stay tuned!