All posts by Richard Ha

Making Good Life Decisions, and Wearing Long Pants

Leslie Lang writes:

You might remember that even when Richard met the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, he wore short pants. So here’s something you don’t see every day:


Richard busted out his long pants recently to speak at a graduation for 169 high and middle school students considered “at risk.” The students were graduating from some pretty impressive summer programs funded by the Department of Human Services and the Hawai‘i National Guard.

Jenea Respicio is program director at the Paxen Group, the group that administers the summer programs. She says the students liked Richard; they thought he was funny.

“He started off saying, ‘I actually always wear shorts. I never, ever wear long pants. I met the governor and I still wore shorts. But I think this is really important and so I wore pants for you.’”

Jenea says Richard was invited to speak at the graduation because he was someone the kids could relate to—a local boy who, Jenea says, would be classified “high risk” if he were in school today. And one who definitely “made good.”


“He was a very effective speaker,” she told me, “and the kids could relate to him. It was nice for them to see a local boy who was just like them. It was nice for them to see that he made the decisions he made and did well.”

When Richard was that age, he admits, he was “drifting” and making some bad decisions. He went to college, but did poorly. He had more traffic tickets than he could pay. He got behind in payments on his Harley Davidson motorcycle and it was repossessed right off the street. “That was the end of my bike,” he says. Richardlectern_4

And he got into a lot of fights and at one point was charged with malicious injury.“I had all those things going on,” he says, “and at one point I asked myself, ‘Am I a crook? Am I a criminal?’” The thought distressed him.

He flunked out of college, got drafted and ended up in Vietnam, where he says he decided to make the best of the situation. He became an officer.

That was undoubtedly a good decision, which is what the summer programs concentrate on teaching. Jenea explains that in addition to teaching at-risk students about decisions, they also teach life and employability skills with courses called Exploring Careers, Effective Employee, Job Search and others. Among other things, “Life Skills” teaches them to write a check, balance a checkbook, fill out a job application and the hard facts about drugs, sex and smoking.

She explains they just present the facts. “We don’t tell students what they should or shouldn’t do and we don’t push an agenda. We just teach them all the facts and then it’s their life, their choice.”

And the summer program is a job. Students fill out time sheets and are paid $30 per day for six hours of work. Jenea says that’s about teaching responsibility. “If you don’t fill out the time sheet, you don’t get paid,” she says. “It’s your responsibility; it’s not my problem.”


Students learn how to keep a budget, write checks, and keep a check register. In a form of “reality programming” way more useful than what you see on TV, they learn, through a simulation exercise, about the real world. They are assigned minimum-wage “jobs,” and checkbooks, and every month the instructor “collects” rent (based on real prices from the local paper) and real-world amount payments for electricity, water and telephone.

She explains what always happens. “At the end of the month, we ask ‘How much do you have in your check register?’ They say, ‘I’m minus $247.’ We say, ‘I thought you said you were going to drive a Lexus when you got out of school?’ We say, ‘This is what your parents go through every month paying bills.’”

Then, she says, they present information on how much someone with a college education makes. “We don’t tell them to go to college,” she says. “We just give them the facts so they can decide what they want to do.”

At the June 29th graduation, the Kaua‘i Hilton’s chef flew in with his staff and they volunteered their time to prepare lu‘au food for the 700 graduates, family members and friends.


The graduation ceremony speakers (seated from left to right) were General Ishikawa, deputy adjutant general of the Hawai‘i National Guard; Richard Ha; Tim Iida, The Paxen Group’s program manager for the Big Island, and Colonel Wayne Kanemoto, retired Hawai‘i National Guard.

Richard says he made two main points in his talk. He passed on some important wisdom he learned as a kid, sitting at the table with his dad. “He always said, ‘Not no can, can!’ He’d pound the table and all the dishes would jump. I needed to say that, just that way, in pidgin English,” he explains.

“The second thing is that it’s a good thing to take care of each other, and treat everybody well,” he says. “That’s what I learned in Vietnam. Leaving anybody behind is not an option. Taking care of each other. That’s a good thing and I use that in my business.”

He also used it that night at the graduation, when he stood up there in his long pants and talked to a group of kids whose futures could go either way.

He says he really relates to kids not having any direction and just drifting along. “Myself, having found direction, I ran with it,” he says. “So I felt like I had something to share.”

There Goes Another One

I lost 1.1 lbs. this week.

My goal: To lose one pound per week for 39 weeks
Starting weight on 5/23/06: 214.6 lbs.
End goal, on 2/18/07: 175 lbs.

This week’s target weight: 204.6 lbs.
Today’s actual weight: 201.8 lbs. 7/23/06

I am 2.8 lbs. ahead of schedule

Since 5/23, I have lost 12.8 lbs.
On 5/23, my resting heart rate was 65 beats per minute

Today’s resting heart rate: 55 beats per minute.*

* This goes down as one gets into better shape. Lance Armstrong’s is said to be 32. George W’s was reported to be 47 beats per minute. Out of shape, mine is in the 70s. My best was 52 many years ago.


I ran across this article in Web MD: Moderate amounts of regular exercise might delay Alzheimer’s disease in older adults.

The findings are based on more than 1,700 adults, aged 65 and older, who didn’t have dementia at the study’s start. Those who reported exercising at least three times per week were nearly a third less likely to develop dementia—primarily Alzheimer’s—over six years.

To me, this seems like a good reason to exercise.

Lately I’ve been having a tougher time than usual losing my one pound per week. I missed two exercise sessions this week. I’ve decided I need to do more than 500 calories per day to anticipate times when something comes up. Three thousand five hundred calories equals one pound, and it usually takes me a little more than 30 minutes to achieve the 500 calorie per day goal. My new plan is to do more calories per day in the early part of the week and build up a credit, in case something comes up and I have to miss an exercise session. 

I’ll work myself up to 50 minutes per day, which at my rate is the equivalent of 800 or so calories. To make it easy on myself, I will either break it into two 25-minute sessions, or else do one session but get off the elliptical trainer every 10 minutes to walk around. This is much easier than just powering through 50-minute sessions every day. It will also allow my body to adapt to the increased work load without too much mental strain. I always like to take the easy route.

I have been weight training off and on for more than 30 years. A little more than five years ago, I was a competitive powerlifter in the 54-59 age bracket. I entered 16 sanctioned powerlifting meets and several state championships and won my class in most of the meets I entered.

My best result was at Sonny Ronolo’s first annual Bench Press Contest held at the Windward Mall on O’ahu. I benchpressed 341 lbs. and won the best lifter award in the “Raw” category, which means without the stretchable bench shirt and other aids.

So I have a bit of knowledge as to what works for me as far as training is concerned. And the older I get, the wiser I become.

Several things I have learned:
1. It really is the journey that is the reward. I’ve been on this weight loss/exercise journey for two months now, and although it may seem that the main goal is to lose weight, another real benefit is that my resting heart rate has been in the 50s for two months. That means that my heart is getting stronger and working more efficiently, which hopefully will help me in the long run. As a bonus, the journey is even more fun because I am setting goals and giving myself rewards. The weekly goals are not too high, but the rewards are very good. For instance, when I break 200 lbs. soon I plan to take June to eat lunch at The Hualalai Grille by Alan Wong.

2. Overtraining causes injuries, even if your last name is Man and your first is Super. Injury causes one to abandon the journey. This is not good.

3. Set small achievable goals and reward yourself for hitting them. The idea is to set your self up for success. It’s always better to smile than frown.

4. Be realistic about what you can achieve and go ahead and do it. It’s better to successfully achieve 95% of what you hope to achieve than to fail while attempting 105%. Ninety-five percent of a big grin is still a grin.

5. It’s all in the mind. When you’re young and inexperienced, you may actually slap your own face for motivation; when you’re old and wise, you only think about slapping your own face for motivation; you don’t really have to do it. All that face-slapping did not make up for what I didn’t accomplish in the gym in the weeks and months prior to a powerlifting contest. Because I am older and wiser I don’t slap my own face for motivation anymore. Instead I go to The Haulalai Grille by Alan Wong for lunch.

I believe that half the battle in my attempt to lose weight has been planning my weight loss program in advance. 
I’m approaching the big “200 lb.” mark and I don’t want to get stuck there. I think that I’ll creep up close and then speed pass and not look back.

Make-Your-Own Banana Splits

Hamakua Springs donated bananas again this year to the Hilo High School Grad Nite.

That’s the alcohol- and drug-free graduation night event the school has put on for fifteen years now. The action starts immediately after the graduation ceremony and lasts until the next morning.

This year three-quarters of the graduating seniors participated (some years it’s more than 90 percent), spending an action-packed night at the Hilo Yacht Club where they:

• climbed a rock wall
• played tennis
• played volleyball
• played basketball
• went swimming
• dressed up and had their picture taken, which was put into a key chain for them
• got massages
• had their portrait sketched
• had their fortune told
• got temporary tattoos (this was the most popular event)
• listened to live music
• danced, and
• ate all night long

Food was available the whole night—from the pizza served for dinner, to the make-your-own banana splits and ice cream sundaes with every possible topping, and then breakfast in the morning.

Each graduate took home a bag of goodies, including a beautiful towel with the Hilo High School logo, a Grad Nite t-shirt, a camera (so they could take pictures with their friends) and a coupon to develop the film.

At 5 a.m., they were bused back to the high school for their parents to pick them up—having spent a safe and sound graduation night, and a memorable one.

Hamakua Springs sends a hearty congratulations to the Hilo High School graduating class of 2006!

I’m Tiptoeing Around

Richard Ha writes:

Goal: lose one pound per week for 39 weeks
Starting weight on 5/23/06: 214.6 lbs.
End goal, on 2/18/07: 175 lbs.

This week’s target weight: 205.6 lbs.
Today’s actual weight: 202.9 lbs. 7/23/06

I am 2.7 lbs. ahead of schedule
I lost .6 lbs. since last week

Weight loss since 5/23: 11.7 lbs.

Resting heart rate 5/23: 65 beats per minute

Today’s resting heart rate: 56 beats per minute.*

* This goes down as one gets into better shape. Lance Armstrong is said to be 32. George W’s was reported to be 47 beats per minute. Out of shape, mine is in the 70s. My best was 52, many years ago.

* * *

I’m 61 years old now. Is that old?

Prior to starting this weight loss program, I’d been feeling what I thought were the effects of aging. The symptoms were general aches and pains, especially in and around the spine.

I’ve been noticing that if I accidentally bumped into a rigid object, like a wall, I would feel a jolt run all the way down my spine. This had been coming on over the last five years. More noticeable is that over the last year I have felt a jolt go up my spine when stepping off a curb or down a step.

Before I started this weight loss program, I noticed myself taking a little longer to straighten out my back after sitting for a while, like after dinner or after sitting in the office for a while, and when getting out of the truck after driving for a bit. I hate to admit it but I was starting to acquire the gait of an old person. The gait had to do with avoiding aches and pains.

I was starting to wonder if this was all age-related. Or did it have more to do with being overweight and out of shape?

My recent program of weight loss has already helped me answer the question of whether it’s old age or under-use of my muscles.

It’s now eight weeks into the weight loss program. I’ve lost 11.7 pounds and I’m in much better shape. I’m moving around a lot more and I’m regaining the spring in my step.

I found myself tiptoeing around the house the other morning. This is significant, because tiptoeing has to do with the condition of one’s calf muscles. The calf muscles allows one to step toe-first and so cushion one’s step. Watch yourself walking or running down stairs—it’s toe, then heel.

Before, I was feeling a jarring and pounding sensation when walking down steps. It was because I was taking steps flat-footed, with no shock absorption. To protect against the discomfort, when no one was looking I would take the three stairs at home one at a time. It should be left, right, left and gone. But for me it had become more like left and right, one; left and right and two; then left and right and down.

It just occurred to me that I ran down the stairs the other day, and that I no longer drag myself out of a chair hoping I’ll be able to straighten out before it becomes noticeable. Now I find myself sliding out of the chair at a restaurant, jumping up and going straight to pay the bill. When did the pain go? One day, it dawned on me: It’s gone.

A light bulb went on the other morning when I found myself tiptoeing around the house trying to be quiet. I had forgotten I could do that.

Chris Seymour, owner of The Bike Hub in Hilo (mountain biking is his real job, and the bike shop is what he does to kill time) walks around on his toes more than anyone I know. His calves are so strong that it looks like he has a hard time staying down on the ground. He has major shock absorbers.

The good news? I’ve learned it’s definitely not age—it’s non-use. “Use ’em or lose ’em” is a true statement.

Age 61 is not yet old, my granddaughter’s opinion not withstanding. Just don’t let yourself get too heavy. Don’t let gravity win. When your calf muscles are overtaxed, it sets you up to slow down even more.

Second, get your resting heart rate down. The heart is a muscle and a strong heart takes less effort to do its work.

And that is the heart of the matter.

The Day The Chefs Came Over and Cooked For Us

Richard Ha writes:

Chef Alan Wong is featured in this week’s MidWeek magazine. Jo McGarry, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin’s Restaurant Specialist, writes about Chef Alan’s commitment to island-fresh products grown by local farmers. I’m in the picture with Chef Alan.

In the article, she mentions his bringing some of the staff from his Hawai’i restaurants to visit Hamakua Springs. Let me tell you about that visit, and about them cooking for us.

First, it’s pretty amazing how Alan Wong treats his farmers. When our farm personnel visit his restaurants, they are treated like royalty. To Chef Alan, the farmers are the celebrities. He keeps telling us that he cannot make products better; that he is limited by what he has to work with. Although we don’t know if we believe that, it’s starting to sink in. Knowing this, we try to do the best we can.

Once Kimo and Tracy went to the Pineapple Room, unannounced. Restaurant Manager Barbara Stange recognized them and notified her staff that the people from Hamakua Springs Country Farms were in the house.

Kimo and Tracy both said they had never experienced anything like it: It seemed like they were assigned extra wait staff. They were brought extra dishes to sample. People were saying, “Try this, it’s made with cocktail tomatoes.” And, “Here’s another dish.” I’m sure Chef Alan does this for all his farmers. But it makes us want to take special care of all the products we supply him.

A few months back he brought some of the staff from his Hawai’i restaurants to visit the Big Island farmers on the Hamakua coast. He said it helps the staff describe his creations when they know the farmer who grow the product.

When he visited us, we showed him several things we were testing. A few months before, Chef Alan had expressed interest in creating a dessert with a specialty melon cut in half and served with a scoop of ice cream.

Alan_and_melons_1So we have been testing melons. That picture is of Chef Alan checking the melon for aroma. He gave his approval, and so we are now proceeding on to production. The next step is to get the melons to his restaurants and to make sure everything is right. After that we will bring it to the supermarkets. But first things first. We need to prove that we can deliver sweet melons each time, all the time.

We took everyone on a tour of our farm, where I explained our sustainable farming philosophy and how it drives our decision-making. They saw how we use high-tech monitoring of environmental conditions inside of a low-energy-consuming growing house.

We run the irrigation controllers with a few D batteries. We don’t use electricity at the tomato houses and all our water is free. We leave the tomatoes on the plants to ripen naturally for as long as we can. We continuously monitor sugar content of the tomatoes so we are sure they are sweet. I demonstrated how we take leaf samples, which we send to a lab to assess the plant’s nutritional status. Then we make up a custom fertilizer that helps to give it a rich and sweet flavor.

We are mindful of the effect our farming might have on the environment, so we are careful not to over-fertilize. Our tomato houses are surrounded by strips of vegetation that help prevent any excess fertilizer from reaching any streams.

Chef Alan gave us pointers about what he looks for in the various crops we grow, and we showed him how to drive a bulldozer. He and Kimo went in the back and pushed some soil around. Chef Alan got to make a pile and level it off, pack it down and then back blade it for a nice finish. He learned that you steer the bulldozer by locking one brake or the other. In that way you can even spin the machine around in one spot. He had an ear-to-ear grin when he cruised by on his way to park the machine. Now that we know his weakness, we’re going to trade lessons on the backhoe for another cookout.

We put up a tent so we could do this and keep the farm running. Besides the immediate family, our supervisors came. Leslie Lang, our neighbor and future Chief Blogger, was there. Bob and Janice Stanga (of Hamakua Mushrooms) brought their Hamakua mushrooms, Lesley Hill and Mike Crowell (Wailea Agricultural Group) provided heart of palm, Dick and Heather Threlfall (Hawaii Island Goat Dairy) provided goat cheese, we supplied tomatoes and greens, and the chefs brought li hing mui/ume dressing with them, and wine. (We got to keep the extra li hing mui dressing). They also bought loads of stuff from the Hilo Farmers Market.

When they all started into action preparing the dinner, it looked like there were 50 things going on at once. Barbara Stange and Leigh Ito, also of Alan Wong’s staff, were making different kinds of salads that were so nice to look at. The head of the wait staff and Chef Alan’s front-of-the-house personnel were busy doing the finishing touches on dishes never before seen at Hamakua Springs Country Farms.

Then they fired up the grills and started cooking. Grandma Ha was thrilled that Chef Alan was cooking for us. She told him, “Give me the recipe, okay?” Mom can do that–she has seniority. (That’s my mom and Alan Wong on the right.) Chef James of the Hualalai Grille was on one burner, Chef Neil, Chef de cuisine from the Pineapple Room was on another, and Executive Chef Lance was on another.

The food was delicious and we tried everything. They brought beer and wine and there was animated conversation going on all around.

Chef Alan, Dan Nakasone and I have pineapple-picking stories in common. Tracy and a small audience cornered Chef Lance, who was at a burner demonstrating the finer points about preparing risotto. (You have to keep your eye on it.)

Some of the guys were trading pig hunting stories with the Hualalai Grille staff. Why was I surprised that they would know anything about pig hunting, just because they are associated with a restaurant that has won nine ‘Ilima awards and is the quintessential Hawaii Regional Cuisine restaurant?

We realized that they are all normal, everyday people, like you and me. But they are incredibly good at what they do. We like to think that we are kind of like that, too. We all live here in Hawai’i, with all of the local influences. At the end of the evening we were like good old friends. And, can you imagine–we got to give all our people take-home plates of Alan Wong’s creations.

Life on the farm will never be the same.

Now we know what happens to the products we grow and how important it is to provide the best quality possible. We used to be concerned about our products until they left the farm’s loading docks. Now we worry about everything that goes on after they leave our farm and until they reach Chef Alan’s door. And that makes us better farmers.

Employee Spotlight: Ida Castillo


Tomato packing house supervisor Ida Castillo has always been so good at her job, Richard says, that it was almost hard to promote her.

“She’s one of those workers who you think you can’t afford to take out of her present position,” he says, “because she’s so good. But in our company we try to make sure we give people opportunities as they arise, no matter how uncomfortable it may make us feel in the short run.”

Ida came to the company 13 years ago, when she was hired as a banana packer at what was then Kea‘au Bananas.

“Ida was always the fastest and most efficient banana packer, and it always seemed effortless to her,” says Richard. “When we started raising hydroponic tomatoes we asked if she would consider packing tomatoes, and she immediately became the most efficient tomato packer.”


Now, he says, she’s doing a great job as the tomato packing house supervisor, her position since the beginning of the year. “Ida has the little things under control and that takes care of the big things,” he says. “She is a quiet person but she is efficient and she definitely gets the job done very well. I’m extremely proud of her.”

Outside of work, there’s her family. She is married with three children. Her sons are 24 and 19, both in the army. Her daughter, 22, recently gave Ida and her husband their first grandchild, Shayla, who is 18 months old. “That’s the first (grandchild), and we love her so much.”

She laughs when she admits she likes to watch her soap operas. “The Young and the Restless, and some Filipino soap operas,” she says. “I go to church when I’m not working. I love to go shopping.”

And how does she feel about tomatoes after years of packing 15 pounds of them into 60 boxes a day?
“I love to pack tomatoes,” she says. “I just love holding them, and the color. And I still like eating them. These are good tomatoes.”

She says she likes her job. “I always loved to work agriculture. Before I worked bananas, I worked papayas, flowers. I love it.

“Plus the management, they’re good,” she says. “They treat us like family, not a worker. They’re nice people.”

The 45-year-old says she hopes to work there for awhile. “Until I retire,” she says. “Then they going kick me out.” — posted by Leslie Lang

Good Music

Goal: lose one pound per week for 39 weeks
Starting weight on 5/23/06: 214.6 lbs.
End goal, on 2/18/07: 175 lbs.

This week’s target weight: 206.6 lbs. 
Today’s actual weight: 203.5. lbs. 7/16/06
I am 3.1 lbs. ahead of schedule
I lost 1.1  lbs since last week 
Weight loss since 5/23: 11.1  lbs.

Resting heart rate 5/23: 65 beats per minute
Today’s resting heart rate 55 beats per minute.*
* This goes down as one gets into better shape. Lance Armstrong is said to be 32. George W’s was reported to be 47 beats per minute. Out of shape, mine is in the 70s. My best was 52, many years ago.


I realize I’ve become overconfident in my ability to lose weight, as if it is automatic. I’ve started to wait until Thursday to focus on my weight loss goal for the week. This week, because of the strenuous bike ride last week, I took two days off the elliptical. That’s 1000 calories that I did not burn off.

At about the same time, Etsuko, our son Brian’s mom-in-law, made banana bread. She makes really, really delicious, moist and heavy banana bread. If one serving of steak is supposed to be the size of a deck of cards, I think I’d eaten six decks of banana bread by Thursday.

I decided to do the 1,000 extra calories on the elliptical by Saturday evening. This was pushing it a bit. But I could just feel that if I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t meet my goal. 

All’s well, though. I lost 1.1 lbs.

It is important to remember that burning fat and training for athletic improvement (lowering the resting heart rate) are two different things. Working extra hard for a short time does not change the rule that 3,500 calories equal 1 lb. (I’m talking to myself.)
In retrospect, I should have done at least a few calories of work on the elliptical, instead of taking those days off completely. If I had done 250 on each of the two days, I would only have had 500 calories to catch up, instead of the full 1,000.  I need to keep this in mind next time. 

My resting heart rate is going down. I have been sneaking in interval training sessions. These are short bursts of high heart rate work. Two or three bursts in a 30 minute total workout session. 

I don’t like to suffer for a long time. I’d much rather do a few bursts that reach a higher peak than suffering long, mind-numbing grinds. 

When I am totally out of shape, my resting heart rate is in the 70s. When doing sporadic training, it’s in the 60s. When I’m on a scheduled program, it’s mostly in the high 50s. 

Ten years or so ago, when I was on the mountain bike a lot, it was 52. It’s now 55 and I’m pretty sure I can drive it lower. I’m much wiser now. And besides, George W’s resting heart rate is 47. When I get my weight and heart rate down, and with a little practice,  I may be able to ride with him and the boys on the Kulani trails.

I bought myself an Ipod and loaded it up with tunes to reward myself for last week’s accomplishment of breaking 205 lbs. My granddaughter checked out the playlist and said, “Papa, you have good music!!!” as if I broke the law or something.

For a second, I thought, “You have a cool Grandpa.” But more likely it was because I downloaded the celebrity list of American Idol judge Randy Jackson’s Top 20 songs. Oh well.

Going with Flo

Employee Spotlight: Florence Lovell


Thirty-nine-year-old Florence Lovell—supervisor of the farm’s banana-packing house, tomato-packing house and of its vegetable growing operation—tells us she was a tomboy as a kid.

“I have two brothers,” she says. “I was the only girl, and I had no girls to play with. So I used to run around playing with my brothers and their friends, and it was kind of like I had to define myself, because I was the only girl in that crowd. That helped me be the person I am. I’m glad things turns out that way.”

Her job at Hamakua Springs entails a lot of physical work. That’s one of the things she likes about it, probably because of that outdoor, tomboy upbringing.


“I can do the stacking of the bananas, carrying heavy things,” she says. “I enjoy doing those things.” She has 18 or 19 people under her supervision now, other supervisors as well as employees.

When she’s not working, her focus is often on her new grandson. Kaimana, 5 months old, is her only grandchild so far. “I take him riding, play with him in the swimming pool,” she says. “I watch him for two or three nights, to have that time with him.”

“I enjoy time with my grandson, my husband, my brothers. I drink a little beer now and then,” she laughs. “I have those enjoyments.”

Flo started at Hamakua Springs five years ago when she was hired to pack bananas. After about a year, her employers asked if she’d be assistant supervisor in the banana-packing house. That evolved into her position as supervisor of the banana-packing house, then also of the tomato-packing house and of the vegetable growing operation.

She said it was a little overwhelming at first. “It happened so fast,” she says. “It was a chain reaction thing. I was never expecting to move that fast. But I enjoy it. I get up early, I’m here early. I enjoy doing my job, being able to do all the different things in the different areas.”


Richard Ha, the big boss, describes her position as tough and demanding. “But she took the responsibility and didn’t shy away at all,” he says. “She was game and accepted the job and has been doing a good job since. Kimo Pa, who is our farm manager, recommended Flo for her most recent promotion a little more than a month ago. I was aware from early on that he had a lot of confidence in her.”

June Ha recalls when she and daughter Tracy Pa were developing a system for packing their apple bananas into Harry and David gift boxes. “There was a real spark in the way Flo approached helping to organize the project,” says June. “She would always focus on how things could get done, rather than on why things couldn’t get done.”

“She’s a good example of someone working her way up through the ranks,” says Richard. “We’re really happy for her.”

It sounds like Flo knows that. She speaks equally well of her employers.

“They became not only my boss but they’re like a part of my family,” she says. “They made me feel welcome from the first time I started working here. Their personalities—they were nice. They appreciate what I do. That’s something you don’t see too much of.”

“I enjoy working here,” she says. “I plan to stay as long as I can.” — posted by Leslie Lang

Why We Moved to Pepe’ekeo

Richard Ha writes:

In the early 90s, we just grew bananas and were located at Kea’au, where the risk of our farm being hit by Banana Bunch Top Virus disease was high. We decided we needed to develop another farm, in another location, to help spread the risk.

But where? Sugar plantations were closing down and we had alternatives. We could move to Waialua on O’ahu, and that is the advice we were given. It was close to the major market.

There were several alternatives on the Big Island as well. Finally, it came down to Waialua or Pepe’ekeo. Waialua had the obvious proximity to the Honolulu market and it came with a functioning, low-elevation well. Pepe’ekeo had abundant rainfall and not perfect but adequate sunlight.

On the principle of sustainability, we chose Pepe’ekeo due to its free water and adequate sunshine.

Fast forward to 2002. We had developed a new banana farm at Pepe’ekeo and we were looking to diversify even more. But what type of farming would we go into?

There were signs then that China’s strong economic growth would be using a tremendous amount of energy and so it was safe to assume that energy prices would rise. Again, on the principle of sustainability we decided to go into a form of hydroponic production that would take advantage of free sunlight and abundant water supplies. We planned to use the highest tech procedures in a low tech structure. The rationale is: why put in air conditioning when you can orient the house to let the breeze pass through?

Fast forward to 2006. Gas is more than $3 per gallon. In addition to China’s growth, other factors are pushing energy costs higher than we had expected. We are happy that we decided to move our farm to Pepe’ekeo. And boy are we happy we did not go into a high-energy system of production.

There are three streams and three smaller springs on the nearly 600 acres that we bought. The sugar plantation here had been authorized to use six million gallons of water per day from these streams. In addition, the Pepe’ekeo area was, in the past, supplied with drinking water from a large spring that is located on our property. Now it’s just used for back-up in case of emergency. The county is now drilling a back-up well for the community, and the spring and infrastructure will soon revert back to us. This will be another large source of water.

We find ourselves here in this position by following the principle of sustainability. We use it as our primary guiding principle in our business. Whenever we come to a fork in the road, we ask ourselves: “Which fork will take us down the road to a sustainable future?” This has given us a good and dependable compass to follow.

There is Hope

Richard Ha writes:

Goal: lose one pound per week for 39 weeks
Starting weight on 5/23/06: 214.6 lbs.
End goal, on 2/18/07: 175 lbs.

This week’s target weight: 207.6 lbs.
Today’s actual weight: 204.6 lbs. 7/9/06
I am 3 lbs. ahead of schedule

I lost 3.8 lbs since last week
Weight loss since 5/23: 10 lbs.

Resting heart rate 5/23: 65 beats per minute
Today’s resting heart rate 55 beats per minute.*
* This goes down as one gets into better shape. Lance Armstrong is said to be at 32 beats per minute. My lowest was 52 beats per minute many years ago.

Baby Boomers, there is hope.

It is now really clear that the heart of my weight loss program is exercise.

If one pound equals 3,500 calories, then all I need to do is move around enough to use up 500 extra calories per day, seven days per week, and I’ll lose one pound. This absolutely works.

It takes approximately 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer to do this. I use the elliptical because it is easy on the joints, it shows the amount of calories used and it’s very time efficient. Get on for 500 calories, do a little extra and get off. Done.

I highly recommend that one record his or her resting heart rate early when starting a weight loss program. This is like a before-and-after photo. You need it so you can feel good about your progress.

Successfully lowering your resting heart rate is actually more important than the speed at which you lose weight. A strong heart pumps more blood with one stroke. It’s more efficient at helping to get oxygen into the system and waste out of the system. This must be good for one’s brain, wouldn’t you think?

New studies are starting to show that fat and fit may be better than slim and unfit in relation to cardiovascular issues. It seems to me that the primary goal should be to maintain a lower resting heart rate.

I don’t worry about dieting. This is not rocket science: Like in the food pyramid, fruits and veggies are good, fat is not good, etc., etc. If the food tastes good and is worth the extra effort it takes to burn it off, go for it.

I rode my bike down to the ocean and saw a lot of changes along the way. Five years ago, everything was open and there was one fenced pasture. Now, there are seven houses in various stages of construction. Many properties are fenced and have a few cows, horses or goats. It is starting to look and feel like a rural small agriculture community.

Flying downhill, maybe more like coasting, I startled a baby goat, which ran bleating back to mama. I passed a temporary canvas dome house on a wooden platform. It looks like the main house will be coming up soon. Pedaled down and across the highway overpass that sugar cane trucks used to travel to get to the mill and coasted down to the old railroad grading intersection. Crossed the paved road onto a gravel section that started looking more and more unused the further down I rode. A barbed wire fence blocked the road at the bottom.

I turned around and started back up the hill when a large dog started running and barking at me from a new house. It was a huge puppy. I need to make friends with him while he’s still a kid. He ran up, bumped into me and slobbered my leg.

The owner came out and we chatted for a bit. At first I thought that he might be a new person from the mainland. But, surprise, he’s a fire rescue guy. Because he flies over in a helicopter, he knows more about the area surrounding the farm than I do. “When are you putting up a farm stand?” he asked. Nice guy.

The last quarter mile is a downhill unpaved section, which runs down to and along the ocean. I needed to get out of the saddle, pay attention, work both brakes and use the suspension. The road along the ocean is still there but it’s not used much and guinea grass crowds in. A break in the fence lets hikers and mountain bikers through.

The old fishing road running along the coast is bordered by 100-foot ironwood trees planted maybe a hundred years ago to protect the sugar cane from wind and salt spray. There was no one in sight. I stopped and did the usual quick scan for fish underneath as the waves built, on top for honu and on the rocks for ‘opihi, ha’uke’uke, ‘a’ama crab and limu. Pedaled down the coast for awhile and then started back up on one of the old sugar cane roads. The dirt and gravel surface was hard, dry and fast but it would be muddy and challenging in rainy weather.

This is a “play now and pay later” kind of a ride. You coast down to the ocean, enjoy the sights and sound, and then climb back uphill all the way. My heart rate monitor is showing 120 beats per minute. A short distance later it’s in the 130s. I make my way back to the old railroad grading intersection and now the climbing starts. I drop it into the small chain ring and second gear. I want to make it to the overpass before stopping, about a half mile further up. Grinding away, my heart rate is in the low 150s.

Five years ago I would ride the whole way uphill without stopping. This is definitely harder work than what I’ve been doing on my elliptical. But it’s very enjoyable, and I know that I’ll get into much better shape. I can’t wait.

I’m keeping everything in perspective. Mike Tanabe and Chris Seymour and the guys could do this short loop that I just did, put it at the end of a 30 mile loop and still be shifting up on the climb. But having fun is all relative. If you’re having fun, you’re having fun.

As our Hamakua Springs tomato houses come into view I cannot help but think about how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful place, working with good people and growing good food in a good way.