People have been asking what they can do to show their support for geothermal.
Would you consider sending in supporting testimony for DLNR’s request to streamline the process of drilling exploratory geothermal wells? Read the full DLNR exemption request here. This exemption was approved on May 3rd, and is up for final approval tomorrow.
You can see from these photos that the exploratory wells are not big.
And this would not exempt them from having to do an EIS if they plan to do production wells.
To send in your support, email the Office of Environmental Quality of the Department of Health before their meeting, which is at 2 p.m. tomorrow (5/17/12).
Some good reasons to support this follow. You can click on the email address, say you support the DLNR’s request to streamline the process of drilling exploratory geothermal wells, and then write about the reasons you’d like to include:
- Oil prices are rising and we are running out of time.
- If we can find alternate sites, Puna residents would not feel so beleaguered.
- Geothermal energy will save people money.
- Businesses will grow and more jobs will be available.
- Fewer of our young people will leave to find jobs elsewhere.
- Lower electricity costs will help farmers.
The price of electricity generated from geothermal is half that of oil, and the price will not go up. We are far behind the rest of the world in assessing our geothermal resource.
This would only take a minute of your time, and is something you could do right now if you’re one of the people wanting to show support for geothermal.
Development and industry is extremely dangerous to our island’s chances for sustainability. Geothermal is not going to help importation of fossil fuels you know this. It is not going to lower energy prices as we are centralized to Helcos grid. Why not put solar hot water on everybody’s house? That will shut oil burning plants down immediately, this is more about making money than helping our island. And we don’t need to a cable to pay for Oahu’s wasteful habits. They dug themselves into this mess, they can dig themselves out, while us on the outer islands learn from mistakes.