Our Bananas are at Foodland

Foodland Supermarket is now supporting locally grown bananas.


Sometimes the bananas may not be picture-perfect looking on the outside, because we refuse to use insecticide-impregnated bags. That’s because our workers cannot avoid skin contact with the bags.

We know we could make the fruit prettier by using the insecticide, but we refused to expose our workers that way.

We appreciate Foodland going to bat for us.


Though local bananas may not be the prettiest, they are definitely the best tasting.

Mahalo to Foodland for supporting locally grown bananas.

5 thoughts on “Our Bananas are at Foodland”

  1. A Chiquita engineer told me the reason Hawaii and Taiwan bananas taste better than those grown closer to the equator is because the fruit takes longer to mature–like several weeks. He was passing through on the way to help develop a high elevation banana plantation in the Phillipines. Makes sense to me.

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