Hawaiian Monk Seal

Richard was down at Reed’s Bay recently and saw this Hawaiian monk seal sunning on a rock. See it there, toward the top/middle of the shot?

Richard's monk seal

Some rangers from the Department of Land and Natural Resources, present to make sure the seal wasn’t disturbed, said this particular seal has been hanging around for the past month or so between Richardson’s Beach and Maui’s canoe, which is up the Wailuku River. They think she’s about to give birth.

Richard said there were about 10 people looking at the seal, including Mayor-Elect Billy Kenoi, his wife Takako and their three young children. They had been picnicking across the bay when someone pointed out the seal to them, so they came over to get a better look.

Wikipedia says, of the highly endangered Hawaiian monk seal:

To raise awareness for the species’ plight, the Hawaiian monk seal was  declared Hawaii’s official State Mammal on June 11, 2008 by Lieutenant Governor James Aiona.

It’s estimated that there are only about 1200 Hawaiian monkseals left, and it’s  to spot one sunning on a Big Island beach, which happens from time to time. When it happens, the area is roped off so the seal is left alone. The rest of us just move down the beach a bit until they go.

Here’s another one (or the same one?). I saw this seal at Richardson’s Beach this past March.

